Safe Task Space Controller for Underactuated Robotic Systems

Underactuated robotic systems, such as humanoid robots, have fewer control inputs than degrees of freedom. This makes their control challenging, especially when performing complex tasks in dynamic and uncertain environments. Our research aims to develop a Safe Task Space Controller that enables humanoid robots to perform tasks while ensuring safety and stability.
Research Focus
Task Space Hierarchy: We develop task space formulations that allow the robot to specify and achieve desired tasks in a safe and efficient manner. By defining tasks in the operational space, such as end-effector position or orientation, we can control the robot’s behavior while considering its underactuated dynamics and unilateral constraints.
Stability and Safety: Ensuring stability and safety is crucial for underactuated robotic systems, especially during dynamic tasks or in the presence of disturbances. Our research focuses on developing control strategies that guarantee stability and prevent undesirable behaviors, such as falling or collisions. We investigate techniques such as control barrier function and Lyapunov-based control to achieve stable and safe operation.
Adaptability and Robustness: Underactuated robotic systems often operate in dynamic and uncertain environments. Our research aims to develop adaptive and robust control strategies that allow the robot to adapt to changes in the environment or system dynamics. We investigate techniques such as adaptive control, robust control, and learning-based approaches to enhance the adaptability and robustness of the task space controller.
The research in Safe Task Space Controller for underactuated robotic systems has numerous potential applications across various domains. Some of the areas where our work can have a significant impact include:
Humanoid Robotics: Safe and efficient control of humanoid robots is essential for their deployment in real-world scenarios. Our research can contribute to applications such as assistive robotics, human-robot collaboration, and entertainment.
Rehabilitation and Prosthetics: Underactuated control strategies can also be applied to assistive devices, such as exoskeletons or prosthetic limbs. By ensuring safe and reliable control of these devices, individuals with mobility impairments can benefit from improved assistance and mobility.
Dynamic Environments: The Safe Task Space Controller can be applied to underactuated robotic systems operating in dynamic environments, such as search and rescue missions or industrial automation. By ensuring stability and safety, these systems can navigate complex and unpredictable environments effectively.
By addressing the challenges posed by underactuation, we strive to enhance the capabilities of these robots and enable their deployment in various real-world applications. Stay tuned for updates on our ongoing research and exciting breakthroughs in this field.